Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Buried (2010) - Rodrigo Cortes

Rating 90/100

With this being my first review on my shiny, new Blogspot I was a little hesitant to let Buried be the movie to take my v-card. It's probably never smart to start out with a really high score for a movie that not only got minimal buzz in the mainstream world, but also - at first glance - seems quite generic. Thankfully, this is not true; actually, it's quite the opposite.

So what is this movie about? - A man wakes up in a coffin that's buried underground. He has a lighter, a cellphone, a knife, a pen and (what I think would be the most important item for me) a flask with liquor inside. He doesn't remember how he got here, he just knows that he needs to get out quickly before he runs out of oxygen. This movie is about 90 minutes long and every single second of it takes place in this coffin.

Sounds quite boring, right? Wrong. This movie is easily one of the most intense movies I've seen in a long time. I really couldn't take my eyes away from the screen because the pacing of the movie always kept me interesting to know what was going to happen next all the way down to the - quite divisive - ending.

Who's in it? - This movie has one actor in it (besides a few voice actors who play the people on the other end of the phone calls) and that's Ryan Reynolds. Yeah, I know. That guy that was in those really shitty romantic comedies and the infamous, frat magnet "Van Wilder." However, after watching him play a very different role in "Adventureland" I began to have a little hope for the guy as someone who could stand on his own in a dramatic role. This movie put that nail in the coffin though (heh). It might not be Best Actor material, but the dude has serious chops that I hope he continues to pursue. Please don't go back to Rom-Com land, Ryan.

Who would I recommend this movie to? Everyone I think. It's a grade A thriller that really immerses you into the scenario that the main character is going through. If you're extremely claustrophobic though, this movie might irk you just a little bit. Besides that though, watch the movie. Then tell everyone else about it. Don't let this movie get buried in the rest of the monotonous mess out there!

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